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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children (MCDGC) Light Dream Organization Biomedical Engineering Centre

Dear Stakeholders and practitioners
My Advisory and Board of Directors Team, suggested this I share with you regarding our organization, Light Dream Organization (LiDO).  We conduct research to develop and execute programmes that aim community health status.
 I currently seeking resources and implementers partners and I believe that our organization would coincide with your interest in businesses relating to the health science initiative to increase biomedical engineering specialists, clinical laboratory technician, Medical Proficiency Assistants and Nutritionists a great deal investment for you.
LiDO is positioned to take advantage of the significant market opportunities available in the adapted health Sciences field.  Through a professional approach to collaboration, education, Research, Training marketing, experienced management, and an emphasis on outstanding customer support and service, LiDO can become the Greater organization’s premier provider of planning services for Tanzanian Biomedical Engineering Centre.  From that base, the School will expand to become a Tanzanian Biomedical Engineering university.
I am seeking your support and engagement clearance for starting programme activities. Your Contribution will be used to renovate the programme, expand the staff, and increase marketing activities, primarily our Web site and database development.
I appreciate your consideration of our attached business idea for Tanzanian Biomedical Engineering Centre.  I will contact you in approximately three days to see if you have any questions or to discuss how we may proceed.  Thank you.
Mr. Neatson Nixon Sunzi
Chief Executive Officer


We, Light Dream are the organization found in Mwanza City that conduct research to develop and execute programmes that aim to improve basic needs and services across Education, Health, environment conservation and WASH for reducing poverty.
Problem worth solving
Our solution
Four cadres of health face 77% deficit of health care workers for performing their tasks that meet current high quality health care workers that can meet the needs of
Tanzania’s rural communities and standard   MGDs goals to globally reduce mortality, and combat diseases rate.

As stated above, the health sector in Tanzania is faced with a critical shortage of human resources. The shortage of HRH is even more critical for laboratory and biomedical engineering personnel, due mainly to the low number of training colleges for these cadres, low college intake of laboratory trainees, and brain drain over the years (MOHSW 2009).
We are implementing Health Science Programmes to produce improved three crucial experts  as well as Clinical Laboratory Technicians, Medical Proficiency Assistants and Biomedical Scientists   to handle changes in the delivery of health care services  including the emphasis on ambulatory care, increased technology, increased knowledge in health and illness, health care funding, and the population growth.

Target Market
During the pilot and scale up programmes, the Light Dream Organization by lunching Biomedical Engineering Centre aim to offer courses and programmes leads to the award of Health Science Foundation Certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees/degrees at undergraduate levels starting in:
Biomedical Technology and/or scientists’ transparency accountability matter 
Clinical/Medical Proficiency Assisting;
Nutrition technology;
Clinical Laboratory Technicians.

As the number of laboratory training schools is increased, it is important to note that there are currently no biomedical engineering schools in the country. However, the CDC is collaborating with the Dar Es Salaam Institute of Technology to roll out a new biomedical training course. This course will be available to laboratory technicians that are diploma level and above. Training and recruitment of biomedical engineering personnel in Tanzania is essential in order to keep pace with the rapid change in diagnostic technology and the development of an increasing number of automated, sophisticated laboratory equipment. As globally approved technologies as tools are adopted and rolled out by various programs and interventions in the country there is a critical need to assess their efficacy and effectiveness in the local settings.
Encouraging research in these areas, as well as long-term monitoring and evaluation of laboratory diagnostic practices, is necessary (MOHSW 2009).
Under the National Health Laboratory Strategic Plan 2009, one of the objectives is to enhance research, training, recruitment and retention mechanisms for laboratory and biomedical engineering professionals. The plan’s targets include the expansion of diploma schools, and advocacy for establishment of at least three certificate laboratory training schools in each zone by 2015. Other targets include accelerated programs for the creation of laboratory tutors and increased recruitment by sensitizing secondary school students to the importance of joining laboratory training programs (MOHSW 2009).
Market size: 77% across four cadres that contribute to the health care workers deSficit of (49%) as a whole and the skilled health care workers deficit of 55%. This is as per 2013-2014 CCHPs analysis for the fewer council. The report shows that the most affected cadre is of Biomedical Technologists.
Light Dream Organization (LiDO) will engage the suitable Students differently from how they will reach the apt community health demand in Tanzania. Even the wage may be higher, depending on education and experience, i.e. Multilingual Background, and additional credentials which match the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW), with the Medical Council of Tanganyika being responsible for accreditation and licensing needs.
Scale up strategy
From the beginning the programme would need to receive one-to-three-years certificate; diploma, degree and/or associate degree clearance from the MOHSW to be accredited through the NACTE/ NTA system and the same. Major inputs required for the programme enhancement include additional student housing, increase classes from four up to twenty four classes per site in year five to embrace 288 per annum, and teaching material, including IT equipment. Health facilities (health centers, dispensaries and laboratories) will be lunched in the remote areas. We will focus on creation of biomedical and laboratory tutors; and increased recruitment by sensitizing secondary school students to the importance of joining laboratory and biomedical training programs. The application process would be improved. Transfer student, programme and human resources agreements would be available with the other institutions/universities.
For Health Science Programmes that produce Biomedical Technologist, Clinical/Medical Proficiency Assistant, Nutritionists and Clinical Laboratory Technicians, there are over six other health education and services institutions that provide to the same professional and personnel market. The majors are Ruaha University College Medical Laboratory Sciences School (RUCO), St. Bakhita Nursing School, Iringa and Singida Health Laboratory Assistant Training Centre, Mbeya Assistant Medical Officer Training Centre, and Tanga Assistant Medical Officer Training Centre and Kolandoto acting in conjunction with Consultant, Referral Hospitals or equivalent venue with adequate facilities and resources for theory and health sciences teaching. Therefore, Light Dream Organization has focused on conducted research by I-TECH   on these firms together the facts for explaining why we are different and what gives us a competitive advantage. We have elaborated more deeply in our full curriculum and business plans. This section is just to show that we are aware of our competitors and show why we’re better or different.

How our solution is better
To become an outstanding Tanzanian University focal point excelling in health care, training, research and responsive to societal needs.
A. Working together to identify community issues and refine processes for collaboration with Donor project partners and other Donor community agencies/organizations and universities.
B. Bringing significant new resources, information, ideas, technologies, and/or partners to development activities for Successful proposals to mobilize individual and private sector contributions, both cash and in-kind resources, on at least a one-to-one basis or more.
C. Developing and bringing small-scale projects to closure during and well beyond the life of these operations as stated here:
  1. Collaboration in establishing annual work objectives and approval of an annual work plan not limited for one programme;
  2. Collaboration in assessing progress and identifying issues that arise, which may impact the success of programs;
  3. Collaboration in determining corrective actions, where necessary.
  4. Approval of key personnel and any subsequent changes in the positions during the life of the programmes.
  5. Establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system of the programme  capacity, services delivering capacity and output/input ability for reaching alliance goals
Being  professionally managed to exploit know-how through education and research, to create value, and to be globally oriented but with local relevancy.
Our model courses for the Health programmes provide a standardized framework for the tutors to prepare the learner to become an effective multi-skilled member of the health team.
Goals: The goals of those model courses outline are to:
1. Comply with the regulations established by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) in the  United Republic of Tanzania
2. Achieve entry level competencies, which satisfy health industry needs.
3. Promote lifelong learning skills.
4. Be a tool that stimulates or enhances learning and teaching strategies.
 Funding needed
At initial phase we need 8, 000, 000 for building rental, Hire Facilitators/Tutors, buy materials, guide and text books, produce recruitment events, online and offline advertising. Additional funds will be needed for service staff assisting daily activities.
Operation and marketing
Operation channels
Marketing activities
1. Internal Operation team
2. Utilizing executive networks
3. Utilizing event manager networks
4. SEO optimized website
5. Office-front,  Internet and direct mail
1. Print Advertising in executive lifestyle mages
2. High-end direct mail pieces and mail-out
3. Attend executive level events
4. Host high-end executive events
5. Write and position an executive website, media release, blog/social media, public relations, publications and catalogues.

The Tzs.722,610,000 revenue in year one is based on one class ultimate 45 learners of Health Science Foundation Certificates paying tuition fee at an average of Tsh.2, 480, 000/= each; one class of 45 learners of Certificate of proficiency in medical assistant at an average of Tzs. 2,980,000/= each per year; one class of 45 learners of Biomedical Technologist at an average of Tzs4,549,000/= each at diploma level and one class of 45 clinical laboratory technicians learners at an average of Tzs6,049,000/= each at Associate Degree  level. Our full business plan provides this level of descriptive financial detail.

1.      During January 2015 negotiating and signing stakeholders lease for programmers’ resources contribution (lands, personnel, Volunteers, Funds, Building/Location/Venues).
2.      Before February 01, 2015 seeking clearance for the new Biomedical Technology, clinical laboratory technical, medical proficiency assistant and nutritional curriculums from MOHSW and accreditation from NACTE/NTA before the first batch can start classes.
3.      Before February 10, 2015 purchasing key equipments
4.      By February15, 2015 advertising and engaging our clients them in our first courses
5.      Before Much 01, 2015 raising resources mobilization and money or securing a bank loan
6.      During January 2015 Curriculum dissemination for key stakeholders engagement
7.      During February 2015 receive signed letter of intent (LOI) and completed learners applications for admission
8.      A media mention before February 2015
9.      A new sales channel before February 2015
10.  By April, August, and December 2015 provide rewards after the review of results achieved from our overall programme planned activities
Team and key roles
Key Board
Neatson Nixon Sunzi
Founder& Chairperson
Neatson has 21 years experience in leadership, strategies planning, connections, social network and great status as a senior executive. Current Neatson Play the role of CEO top LiDO.
Mr. Yusuph Mtobela
Co-Founder & Board member
Current is playing the role of organization secretary.
Mad. Grace Ntware
Co-Founder & Board member
Mad Ntare has 10 years experience in Financial management working, and great status as treasurer executive.
Key Board
1.      Mad. Josephine Lenga
2.      Dr. Peter Paul Mayala
3.      Mr. Revocatus Mgawe
4.      Prof.  Julius Nyahongo
Is the Senior lecturer and Head of Department of Biological Sciences
At the University of Dodoma with 18 years research working experience,

5.      Dr. Esther Mkungu
6.      Dr. Victoria J. Ndalahuzi-
1.       Mad. Huruma Kimbe
Programme Coordinator
Graduate (B.A Education, Msc. DPPCS) has over 10 years social and development sciences with experience, skills and knowledge essential for designing, planning & managing social/health related programs, systems, research and projects.
Admin&Finance manager Has 14 years working experience in Admin Development integration, implementation and co-ordination programme activities at community, nation and international levels.
3.      Mr. Deonatus M. Kiheka
 Has 9 years working experience program Accountant role.
1.      Dr. Esther Mkungu
2.      Dr. Vedastus Kilonga
3.      Dr. Victoria J. Ndalahuzi
4. Prof. Julius Nyahongo
5. Mr. Patrick David
6. Mr. Marwa Marato
Current and Potential
Key Resources Partners   

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW), with NACTE/NTA and the Medical Council of Tanganyika being responsible for clearance, accreditation and licensing needs will play programme advocacy role at national level and make sure that all health education policies are being followed.

Tanzanian’s premiers in health training, research and consultancy services will play the role of links and collaborations with various partners locally and internationally in which collaborative research and consultancies are prominent. Other links include universities, with whom collaborations involve activities such as student and staff exchange, exchange of external examiners and joint (Sandwich) training programmes.
International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH)
The International Training and Education Center for Health (I-TECH), a center in the University of Washington's Department of Global Health will play a great role in advance at interanational advocy level in global network that supports the development of a skilled health work force and well-organized national health delivery systems, in order to provide effective prevention, care, and treatment of infectious disease in the developing world.
Geita Gold
Mining Ltd
The Geita Gold Mine is an open pit gold mine located in the Geita District of theGeita Region (formerly part of the Mwanza Region) of Tanzania. It is operated by AngloGold Ashanti. They place people first and correspondingly put the highest priority on safe and healthy practices and systems of work. Geita Gold Mining is expected to increase resources support as well as awareness on complex environment that also affects the communities and countries in which they operate.
This complexity can provide all of us with an opportunity to enjoy and benefit from work in a variety of different roles and on a variety of different projects. 
Foundation for Civil Society The Foundation for Civil Society (FCS)
 Is an independent Tanzanian non-profit company and one of the largest support mechanisms for capacity building of civil society and civil society organisations in Tanzania. The FCS will be committed to delivering grant aid and supporting capacity-building initiatives as a means of strengthening effective engagement in poverty reduction processes.

Catholic University Of Health &
Allied Sciences-Bugando
besides exchanging resources will play tangible advise role to produce  gradually transforming into a Teamwork: i.e. being professionally managed to exploit know-how through education and research, to create value, and to be globally oriented but with local relevancy.
Amref is playing a great role in bringing good quality health care closer to our programme and link us with his partners for resources mobilization.

USAID is expected to play a great role to enhance the visibility and value of all of us as beneficiaries of U.S. foreign assistance; Better link communications to U.S. foreign policy, national security, and the American people and Improve the impact and consistency of communications across bureaus, sectors, missions, and programs.
 Equity Bank TZ and Light Dream Organization  (LiDO) will  enter into a partnership that allows cental account for contributors and fees payers in Tanzania to pay all their financial resources through Equity Bank branches countrywide. The integration of Equity Bank systems with those of LiDO,  is part of the Bank’s commitment to ensuring that it offers convenience for all types of financial transactions and enhancing contributions/fees collection efficiencies.
Key Pilot
Dar Es Salaam
Katavi and Bariadi

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